July 25, 2024

Spicejet Changes flight timings for Belagavi to Delhi, Hyderabad & Mumbai

With effect from September 25, Spicejet Airlines has revised the departure and arrival times for a number of its flights between Delhi and Belagavi, Hyderabad to Mumbai via Belagavi, and Mumbai to Hyderabad via Belagavi.

WEF Sunday, September 25 & thereafter

Flight Schedule Alteration between New Delhi and Belagavi:
From now the SpiceJet flight will leave Delhi IGIA for Belagavi at 10:15 in the morning and arrive at 12:25 in the afternoon. Previously, this flight took off around 6:10 in the morning.
The exact same flight from Belagavi to New Delhi leaves at 1:10 pm and arrives at 3:30 pm.

New Belagavi to Hyderabad flight schedule:

Hyderabad to Belagavi flight will now leave Hyderabad at 9:45 am and arrive at Belagavi airport around 11:00 am.
Belagavi to Hyderabad will leave Belagavi at 5:50 pm and land at the RG International Airport in Hyderabad at 7:15 pm.

New Changed flight schedule of Belagavi – Mumbai Sector:

The flight from Belagavi to Mumbai will leave at 11:20 am in the morning and arrive in Mumbai at 12:40 pm in the afternoon.
The flight from Mumbai will leave in the afternoon at 4:20 pm and land in Belagavi at 5:30 pm.

Spicejet Flight
Currently suspended.
Spicejet to add Bengaluru flight from Belagavi