Airport Director & Other Officials install and commission the new HP-DME 320 mopiens.

AAI, Belagavi Airport commissioned & Installed a new HP-DME of Mopiens 320.

The Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is a radio navigation aid used by pilots to determine the aircraft’s slant range from the DME ground station location. The DME avionics in aircraft sends a pulse signal to the ground-based DME, which response with an answer pulse signal.

Mopiens’ Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is installed and operated in most Indian airports (ICAO Annex 10 compliant).

As a measure of safety and to prevent accidents from happening, the Belagavi airport has installed and commissioned high power distance measuring equipment.

DME Mopiens Schematic Diagram ↓

dme diagram

Belagavi airport director tweeted to inform us that a new advanced technology HP-DME (Mopiens 320) has been installed and Commissioned at Belagavi Airport.

The work of upgrading this equipment had begun to help keep up with International standards. Completing the work was a joint effort from the CNS personnel.

A Hindu Religious puja marked the commissioning of the equipment.

BSNL, General Manager inaugurated it in the presence of Airport Director Rajesh Kumar Maurya, CNS in charge, and senior officials of the AAI Airport Belagavi.

dme aiport 1

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